Monday, February 21, 2005

A book which speaks

I happened to go through "Out Of My Mind - A flight into the realm of thought and spirit" by Richard Bach. A great book on self-discovery. An inspiration towards hope, joy and wonder in oneself. I had read Bach before in "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" and "Illusions - The confessions of a reluctant messiah". Jonathan was a marvellous creation. And then this one. It literally speaks out my feelings: the profuse imaginations of my heart and above all - hope.

A paragraph says : "Everything is exactly as it is for a reason. The crumb is on our table not only as a reminder of this morning's cookie, it is there because we have chosen not to remove it. No exceptions. Everything has a reason, and the tiniest detail is a clue."

A little later, it is said : "The design exists, Richard, the possiblity of just this combination of elements in just these relationships, the design for this machine existed at the very instant that spacetime began. Whoever first draws the plans gets to call it whatever they want to call it. Every world has its own laws and ideas about who owns what, they're mostly different."

In essence, it simply turns out to be that nobody owns anything, its just that this world believes that you own it. And if you have read Illusions, the it mentioned in the last line is nothing but an illusion!

Sunday, February 20, 2005


I have never been a good writer, not even a good orator. Both of these skills require a certain amount of exposure, which I never have been through, possibly because of my own negligence. I used to write diaries for a few years in my school days. It was a great respite from life's troubles, a good place to vent out everything. I intend to do the same with this blog, though, there is a slight difference: it can be read by anybody.

This is one thing I have realised, hiding something doesn't solve the problem and never relieves from pain. Its best if you tell that out aloud and just get out of that mess.

So, finally a place for me is created with these few lines, and, this space would be used for nothing but my diary entries.