Tuesday, March 22, 2005

To you with love

I'm not perfect
rather far away from it;
I haven't done anything
till date...
no achievements to boast
no accolades to brag.
But does that mean
I can't love?

I look plain and dry;
with worst sartorial tastes.
I shirk from responsibilities...
I’m a freak.
But does that mean
I can’t love?

I am dumb and inept;
I never became a good guitarist
I never became a good artist
I never became a sportsman
But does that mean
I can’t love?

I'm austere...
I have conscience
and a golden heart
which skips a beat
everytime it remembers you;
My love! tell me,
why shouldn’t I love you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nicely written bt y does it always have to be melancholic dear. i m sure u do hv ur own moments of mood swings bt one feeling doesnt justify the existence of another or does it ? n even if it does ; break away from it.
u urself say - life goes on ! let it be tht way , samajhe ?